Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Confessions of an Obsessed Shed Fan

Another week has passed and time for some updates! One important bit of information comes from Uncle Charlie. He had an enlightening conversation with the owner of the Saw Mill in town before he left for the States. The news is that the Saw Mill will match or beat any price that is out there for lumber. He would be able to deliver everything needed the week we arrive - so the supplies would be immediately available. This is great news, especially for those who do not have access to a truck to bring to Nova Scotia. The next step is for Heath to email the owner with a supply list - and get quotes from there. We'll let you know when more info comes up!

I'm trying to stop typing with double exclamation points - which I have always done with my expressive personality... but Heath says it is very distracting, so I will do my best to contain myself!!!!!

This past Labor Day weekend, a group of us were able to go to Steve's parents' cabin in Grafton, NH. A great time was had by all and there were many discussions about the cottages. The fervor has not died down yet!

I can honestly say that the exterior of the cottages are not the only thing on our minds! Last week, Devin purchased Darlington Oak laminate wood flooring from Lowe's. It is was on sale for $0.98 a square foot and then he found it at our Lowe's in Tilton for $.068 a square foot! What a bargain! Here is a picture to commemorate the purchase!

I was supposed to give the measurements for the windows/doors - but alas, I can't find Heath's notes and he is in bed. Forgive my shortcomings, Duncan -but I will definitely post them next week!

Speaking of shortcomings, only 3 people voted on the poll last week! )= But I finally found a countdown clock that works on this site - it's not the most extravagant but it does the trick! I am counting down to the winner of the poll - Saturday August 8. Not a majority, but there you have it.

In closing, I have to admit that I am absolutely obsessed with sheds that are 12' x 16'! Whenever I am driving anywhere, I am constantly looking for them. I have seen plenty of the real thing - but I am still not satisfied and I keep searching them out! Here are some pictures of my sightings!!!!!

Our shed in Sanbornton (10' x 16')

Heath's parents' shed (12' x 12')

Shed at West Lebanon's SDA church/school (12' x 16')

Cottage across the lake from Conrad's cabin (I swear it's a 12' x 16')

Shed outside a local barn (again I'm obsessed that it's a 12' x 16')


Anonymous said...

Well, well Alison. You are doing quite a nice job on your blog. I certainly enjoyed reading this latest one and I am sooooo excited about your "sheds"!!!!!! I loved the pictures of all your findings. Keep up the good work. It was nice to see a picture of your brother on there! Love your mother!

Shawn Brace said...

You know . . . if you use exclamation points too much, they lose their effectiveness!!!

But, on a serious note, the fella up in Nova Scotia said he would match any price on lumber (I am guessing you mean "lumber," rather than the anatomical word "lumbar")? Does that include GST and sales tax?

Keep up the good work!

Shawn Brace said...

By the way: where did you go hiking this last weekend?

And it's too bad that the first time you attended my church since I've been here is when I was not there!

See you tonight.

Alison said...

Thank you for the spelling correction - and I even proof-read these suckers!! I guess it's my nursing lingo coming through there. When we get the quotes from this guy we will get them with the tax included to see the bottom line. And we went hiking up Mt. Cardigan near the Conrad's cabin. I thought I was going to die!!!!! And I am very disturbed that we were there at West Leb without you - just so you know!!

Corey said...

Um, yeah. What happened to the Salsa recipe? I didn't write it down and I hadn't had a chance to make it yet. I guess you'll just have to email it to me!

I love the picture of the lake that you added at the top.

So did you just come to conclusion yourself on the exclamation points or did someone mention something to you? I know when Duncan read the blog he said "Boy, Alison sure loves her exclamation points." Personally, I hadn't even noticed. So there you go!

Alison said...

So the recipes don't save with the archive because it is a "gadget" that you change ... it is annoying but I don't know how to change that. I'll send it to you on Myspace because I don't know your regular email!!

Anonymous said...

I could be wrong--but I think Uncle Charlie may have said that he had not been charged taxes on the previous wood purchases from the sawmill--I will get clarification from him.
Love the countdown!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Al, I am really loving this blog. Keep up the good work. I love all the pictures of the "sheds" and it was very exciting to actually see a 12" x 16" shed in person in West Lebanon. Definitely a doable size. Great to see you this past weekend. We had a great time.

Anonymous said...

Great blog! I love it & the pictures too. You are doing a wonderful service for all the cousins.
It's all very exciting! (Sorry about the exclamation point. I have that weakness, too!!!)
Uncle Bill

Anonymous said...

Just an idea...what if one of the options for cabin names was 'world cities or places?' With so many people that like to travel the interiors of the cabins could have a unique feel based upon their cabin name...jw....thoughts??