Thursday, January 8, 2009

I'm Back Baby!!!!

Happy New Year to one and all! We are actually in 2009 - so the countdown for "Nova Scotia 2009" seems even closer now! (= I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season. We definitely did! It was great to see all of my family and we had a great time together. And I took an extended "holiday" from this blog with all the hustle and bustle of Christmas and New Years. I really did not expect it to be this long... but alas, it was good to take a break! (= It was not because I got a PS3 and Rock Band as some people think! As I have hinted time and time again... the cabin info is harder and harder to come by these days. So it brings me into a segway for the poll this week. "Due to lack of news, does anyone object to this blog becoming a biweekly feature?" Please be honest but I really do need help if this will continue to be a weekly event.

The poll about 6 weeks ago was "Have you decided on the color of your cottage?" 1 poor soul has not made their decision. But 4 of you out there have figured out what color your abode will be. Now we need to share this information! Whoever has their color picked out... please reach me by email, phone, or MySpace and let me know. So we can compare color choices! (=

I'm sure that most of us received something for the cottages at Christmas! So again, I expect some pictures sent my way so that we all can see how we will adorne our cottages! Here are a couple pictures from Shawn and Camille. They got some great stuff - I love the blue, you guys!

Here is the recipe for the Pumpkin Whoopie Pies - as promised. Sorry, it is a bit lengthy. OK, well - depending on the results of the poll... I will talk to you in a week or two! (=


Corey said...

Ah yes, I object. I want it every week. If you don't have much to say about the cabins, then just tell us what you're doing in your own life. That works for me!

Anonymous said...

I'll take whatever you can do--it is just good to have you and the site back!
Keep on keepin on.

Anonymous said...

Forgot to thank you for the recipe. The whoopie pies were delicious and I will be happy to add it to my file!

Melanie Brace said...

Keep going Alison. I actually didn't look at this blog until today because you have been off for so long. I appreciate anything posted on it. Keep looking for similar cabin size pictures on line and post them.

Anonymous said...

Hi Al, I'm so glad the blog is back. I have missed it! It is very exciting that we are now officially in 2009, so we are much closer to actually going to Nova Scotia. It will be here before we know it! I can't wait! Keep writing! I love to read the blog!